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LinkedIn is the largest professional network known, with more than 500 million users. Generally, LinkedIn is overlooked as a site for looking out for...
Very few people read your blog posts than you think. Interestingly, a lot more people read your headline. Quite an anomaly you might say! You might no...
The relationship between social media and SEO is a long-debated topic and there is no clear answer to this. If you consult some expert, they might adv...
The myriad ways in which people are consuming information is constantly evolving. Newspapers, radio, television etc., are relatively used less compare...
Internal Marketing is one of the most crucial variants of marketing yet often overlooked by small and medium organizations. It involves treating the e...
Some market observers have found that “People who are entrepreneurs have 4 times greater probability of being a millionaire whereas People who a...
Marketers have been nurtured in a traditional background where B2C (Business to Consumer) driven marketing concepts have been playing a strong role to...
The power of social media has been growing tremendously with the increase of internet penetration. The way information is communicated has changed dra...
Social Media Marketing has started to play a pivotal role in establishing brands. It can be used to target audiences with a greater accuracy as the in...
Consumer behavior is complex and gets even difficult to understand if your customers are just from online sources. With the growth of e-commerce and o...
Every institution on today’s date is anxiously looking forward to activating the digital marketing platform for their offered product or service...
Building the brand image that sets your company apart from your competitors is your primary aim. When you think of building your business and how to o...